Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Some of you know that I have a love affair with baking. Especially baking cupcakes. I truly think they are the prefect dessert. They are the perfect portion size for a dessert, they are delicious and utterly adorable.

So one of my ambitions is to own my own bakery. It is a far fetched dream that I hope will someday come true. But until that time I am just going to bake away in my home, for fun and a little extra spending money ☺ One of my goals for the new year is to bake one thing a week. I want to build a repertoire of desserts and sell them. So I am going to use this as my outlet to share with the world my lovely desserts!

This past weekend was the Super Bowl. So I racked my brain for a cupcake that any guy would like. Then I started thinking of all the things that Matt likes (which isn't much, he isn't a huge dessert person) and I start thinking about candy bars. He loves snickers, so I made a snicker cupcake. Who doesn't like Snickers? Man or woman alike, it is a yummy treat and top it off with some caramel... Yummy!

So here is my Snickers Cupcake! In the future I plan to show pics of the process and the recipe, but to be honest I am too lazy for that today. Hopefully a picture will work for this week!

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