Thursday, February 28, 2013

Growing Up

This week has been a giant whirlwind for me. Emily started walking and Conner started serious potty training. That is a lot of change for any family, let alone both happening in the same week.

On Sunday, Emily took her first steps and is a walking machine now. I have been working with her everyday and have only gotten two steps out of her. She has been strong enough to walk for about a month now. You would see her just standing and not touching anything and when she held your fingers, she would walk but would sit as soon as your fingers left hers. So Matt tries on Sunday while I am in the shower and she takes eight steps... And I wasn't even there to see it! I was very disappointed that I missed it, but Conner did the same thing to me. Oh well!

It is amazing and sad how fast this happened, she just turned 11 months! Conner didn't walk until he was 13.5 months old and it took him a couple weeks to walk to other things besides us. Not Emily! She will pull herself up on something and take off walking for a toy or food. She is going through all the major milestones way too fast for this momma. I need her to slow down!!!

On Monday, Conner went under the dining room table to do his business and I asked him if he wanted to go use the potty... He said yes! For some reason, he has been terrified of the potty and his underwear. I don't know why, but something changed on Monday. He pooped in the potty and let me put underwear on him and we haven't looked back since. I am so proud of him. We are going every 25 mins and he has only had one accident a day. I have nothing to compare it to, but I think that's great!

This week is so full of changes and big milestones. It makes me realize that my children are growing up so fast and that it all is happening in the blink of an eye. It makes me sad, because I love the stages they are in now. But it also makes me excited for the future and for all the fun things we are going to experience with them both.

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